The entire state of Florida is known for Ybor City cigars. Ybor City cigars helped form the economy of the Tampa Bay area, and high quality, handmade Ybor City cigars are still famous and widely popular.
Cigar City Investment
Local: (813) 229-0664
Cigar City investment Company was organized in 1988 for the purpose of saving and restoring antique homes and business structures with historical value, which are located within Old Tampa Bay.
Havana Dreams Cigar
1600 8th Ave Suite D 103
Ybor City, FL 33605
Havanadreamscigar is located in Centro Ybor and offers hand made high quality cigars made by the best cigar makers in the United States.
Ybor City Cigar Traders
1210 N 21st St
Ybor City, FL 33605
Local: (813) 288-6501
Ybor City Cigar Traders is located in the heart of Ybor City, near Tampa, Florida. There are over 20 years of cigar knowledge and experience, from the tobacco leaf wrappers, to the filler tobacco. Ybor City Cigar Traders has been involved in personal hand rolled cigar manufacturing.